Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

From Radio Prague

Hallo Listeners.... Kali ini kami tampilkan sebuah kuis dari Radio Prague Seksi Bahasa Inggris dengan nama kuis "Quis question of the month" dengan pertanyaan :
In October we are looking for the name of the illustrator born in 1934 in usti nad labem into chezh-german family. He is probably best-known for designing the caracthers in the 1968 animated film yellow submarine based on the music of the Beatles. Who is he ?
Jawabannya : Heinz Edelmann
Kirim jawaban anda ke english@radio.cz atau ke Radio Prague, 12099 Prague, Czech Republic. Paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2009. Selamat mencoba, good luck for you ( Share by Hyndun)

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